Sunday, 4 November 2018

NaNo Day 4: Raptors?

Today was a beautiful sunny day, which I spent mostly running around to fix all the weekend chores I had to cram into one day. But I managed to find time to write as well! I participated in three word wars, one of which I organised myself, and have gained 2,828 words so far. I hope to be writing some more later on, as my overall goal for today was 10,000 words, but for now the well of inspiration is slightly depleted at 8,689 words total.
So today I decided I was done doing introductions, and got right down to the main point of the novel; the love interest. Can't write romance without a love interest. I had not thought about him before, as usual, so the character just sort of appeared out of thin air as I put words down on the page. We'll see how much of him remains in later writing sessions, as I tend not to be too consistent in my character traits throughout NaNo.
So what about those raptors? Apparently, whenever you participate in a word war, there is a chance you'll get a raptor. Team with the most raptors wins, of course, and the Netherlands is at 51 raptors so far. Two of those were contributed by me, as I received a raptor after two of today's word wars. No idea where they came from, it is just a part of the craziness that is NaNoWriMo.

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