So I started my 52 book challenge a little more than an month ago, and to keep myself motivated through sheer peer pressure, I'll try to give monthly updates whenever I actually remember.
Last time, I was in week 8, and I'd read 6 books in total. I've made some progress until now, but not as much as I would have liked. We're currently in week 14, and here are the books I've read since last time:
7 The Sleeper and the Spindle - Neil Gaiman
8 Dit kan niet waar zijn - Joris Luyendijk
9 Gratis geld voor iedereen - Rutger Bregman
10 Dept. of Speculation - Jenny Offill
Yup, I am now officially 4 books behind. But I'm reading two books at the same time, so I may be catching up (or so I tell myself), or at least not falling behind even more.
Other noteworthy things: two of the books on the list above are Dutch. I don't really read a lot of Dutch books, but there have been some good ones coming out recently, so I've been buying and reading those. Interestingly, both Dutch books are also non-fiction. I wasn't sure about including non-fiction books on this list, but because I will never ever make 52 books in a year if I don't, they're there. Also, I've already sneaked in one of the very short novels I have saved up to 'make up' for a whole week with a novel that I can just read in 3-4 hours. Dept of Speculation also only took about an afternoon to read, so technically that's in the short novel category too.
Anyway, the list so far doesn't really seem that promising for the future of the whole challenge, but I'm still pretty positive, with several holidays coming up in the near future. I'll try and write another update at the end of April, and we'll see how things stand then. In the meantime, I'll get back to John le Carre.
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