So yesterday I didn't write a single word. For NaNoWriMo, that is, I wrote a loooot of words for other things, mainly work, mainly feedback. When I got home I decided I didn't want to spend my evening staring at words on a screen too, so I called a friend and we went out to dinner and a movie (The Martian, which takes more than two hours of your life, but it's worth it). She called me crazy for even attempting to do NaNo this year, which I took as encouragement.
Then today I had to spend an hour on a train to a meeting (the one I'd been writing all that feedback for the day before) and as the wifi in the train was dismal as usual, I decided to write. And I wrote 1,012 words, whilst on a train surrounded by businesspeople making business phone calls. It was another first, but I thought it pretty efficient. And about 1,000 words per hour isn't the fastest, but it's more than I'd expected.
However, 1,012 words is no where near enough to keep me on track word count-wise, so I'll have to see if I can throw another 1,000 or 1,500 words at it this evening. I have to catch up on work emails that came in during the meeting, and loads of other stuff too, but we'll see. I'm feeling pretty good about this novel (pah, that sounds wayyy bigger than it is; story), so I'm thinking and hoping that things will work out, writingwise, tonight.
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