Sunday, 15 November 2015

NaNo Days 12, 13, 14 & 15: Halfway!

So last Friday, the 13th, I travelled to Iceland, where I'm staying with a friend for a couple of days. Which deserves a whole post on its own, which I may or may not write when the NaNo craze is over.
Anyway, on the day of my flight I couldn't really write anything. I brought my laptop with me on the plane, but the woman sitting next to me was of the nosey, prying kind, and I didn't want to get into a whole conversation about writing and the why and the how and the what about. And I was already ahead, having written more than 2,000 words on the train to Amsterdam. (I did write about 150 words and updated my word count, but that was to get the '10 days in a row' badge for updating your word count. Yes, I am a nerd.)
Yesterday I woke up, showered, made some tea, and wrote 1,800 words. This put me back on the word count where I needed to be (23,333) before my host woke up. Which felt pretty good; writing in the early hours while others are still asleep, and then spending your day doing nice touristy stuff in Reykjavik.
So this morning I did the same, and I've just reached the halfway point of 25,000 words! Which I should be really really pleased about, and I am, but I know from previous NaNo experiences that the really rough bit is between 25,000 and 40,000 words, because that's when you get fed up with your story, but still have to keep on writing. So I am very happy that I managed to get this far, and that I'm still on par with the word count, but I'm not taking this as a guarantee that I will actually finish on time. So I will keep on writing some more until my friend wakes up, just to gain some more ground while I can. But they say that Iceland has the highest published author ratio per capita, so maybe it's the Icelandic literary vibes flowing through me. Who knows?

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