Monday, 9 July 2018

Camp NaNo Days 3 to 9: 1,500 does the trick

So I started this Camp NaNo by writing nothing, then I wrote a lot in one day, and then I wrote nothing for quite some time. Summer, it seems, holds so much more diversions than November. However, I am able to write outside, and when the weekend came I put in four days of around 1,500 words each, which brought me back up to par and then some way ahead; I am now at about 7,950 words where I should be at 5,806 to break even. A 2,000 word margin is not bad.
I started by writing the character whose personal story lay closest to my own in recent times, as that somehow seemed like a good starting point (she has a completely different personality from mine, and I hadn't really thought about her at all, I was sure I was going to start with someone completely different, but then I sat down and her story just came pouring out). Then yesterday I started on the character whose personality and personal story could not be further from my own, because I felt like a change, and today I started on the character who reminded me of one of my colleagues (I never 'copy' real people into my stories, but I tend to be inspired by people who share certain characteristics with the people who populate my novel). So it's been nowhere near chronological, but I think the different angles and stories keep me entertained. In the meantime I also added a bit to the 'general' story, because I came up with a bit of dialogue that I wanted to make sure I did not forget, so it hasn't all been 'personal backgrounds'. But that doesn't matter; as long as there are words on the page.

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