Wednesday 9 November 2022

NaNo Days 1 to 9: rollercoaster time!

NaNoWriMo started nine days ago, which means I should be at 15k words if I were writing on par. As of yesterday, I am at a little over 10k. I haven't written today yet, so the number will be closer to the 15 at the end of today. But I thought doing the blog first and the NaNo after meant the blog would actually happen today.
So this year's NaNo has had a bit of a rollercoaster start. There were some days, including November 1st, when I didn't write at all. Then there were some days when I poured out 3k. My average word count per day is somewhere around 1,111 which is a nice number but not the greatest if par is set at 1,667. All of this is reflected in the nice daily word count graph NaNo provides me with:

Yup, pretty big ups and downs.
But when I write, it is easy. I like my story, I like my characters, I can rant on about customer service for 2k words without feeling like I should really be doing something better with my typing. So the NaNo vibe of just pouring out the words and see where they'll get you is happening. I just didn't have the time or space to make it happen every day of November so far.
Given what I've planned for the rest of November, I'm pretty sure this vibe will continue for the weeks to come. As long as there are a couple of really good days where I can put down 3 or 5k, I should be able to make it in the end.

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