Sunday 20 November 2022

NaNo Days 10 to 20: The only way is up

I'm still writing! I just haven't been writing about the writing. But the NaNo'ing is still happening.
Somehow this November has work-wise turned out to be one of the busiest months in a while, which means that I can't find the time to write every day. This has led to more of the roller coaster behaviour on my daily written amount graph:

Yup, those are two days of not writing at all, followed by two days of pretty frantic writing to get back to par. There is also another write-in in there somewhere, where most of my writing group have already achieved 50k or are at least above 40k, whereas I was the one barely making it to the halfway point of 25k during that meeting. They applauded politely. We are group with team spirit.

But, today, for the first time this NaNo year, I managed to get my total word count above the par graph:

I'm at 34k words currently, the par is at a nice round 33,333 today. So not a very big margin. And I expect more work related things in the evenings for the coming week, so keeping up the high numbers might prove difficult still.
So it is hard to find the time to write. But when I do have that, the writing itself still flows easily. I have to struggle with the English vocab sometimes, and I think I am in dire need of adding another character before the story comes to an end, or I'll be left short before the finish line, but all in all the writing itself isn't the problem. If I'd had all the time of the world on my hands, I'd probably have reached the 50k by now.
So that's the good news. The outlook is optimistic, let's see how far I'll get in the final 10 days.

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