Monday, 2 April 2018

Camp NaNo Days 1 & 2: pretty number updates

Camp NaNoWriMo 2018 has started! Wooo!
It started a day late for me, but I made up for that by reaching 2,626 words at 15:15 today. Look at those pretty pretty numbers. I kept my word count at 1,337 (nerd humour) for quite a while after my writing spree this morning, but just now I went back to the story and almost doubled that amount. My NaNo stats page tells me that if I keep going at this pace (as if) I will finish on the 16th of April. And if not, I only have to write 600 words per day to finish on time. Doesn't that sound like something I could actually do?
Now, looking at quality rather than quantity, I am actually pretty happy with what I wrote. I did the prologue early this morning, made a small start on the first chapter, and finished the first chapter just now. Not sure this will be the entirety of the chapter, as it is a bit short and a bit too much 'to the point'; it seems to be in quite a hurry to get the rest of the story started. But I can always go back and edit that later. Now for the second chapter, which is one of the big expositional ones. I really like writing those, as they combine the knowledge I already have of these characters with the new surprising bits I will discover along the way, but they do take a lot of attention to write, and it is usually in these that the little errors creep in which cause inconsistencies later on. But 20,000 words keeps things manageable, so I may even correct those as I write more. When I write more. If I write more.

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