Monday, 13 July 2015

Echoes from a blogging past

So I was just uploading a whole bunch of my old stories (and by old I mean really really old, like stuff I wrote in Windows 95 when I was about 12) to Google Drive, because I want to be sure they will still be somewhere, even when my laptop and external hard disk both die in a fire, and then I was thinking about all the other things I've written long ago, and that made me think of my old blog. At which point I realised, that I didn't even know the exact URL anymore. Which is kinda horrible, for something that I wrote stuff on from 2005 to 2011. Luckily, when you google my full name, it´s the seventh or eighth hit, so Google came in handy there too. If I were still writing my old blog, I´d now be going on about the fact that the verb ´to google´ is written with a lowercase letter, whereas the company name is still with a capital letter, but that´s neither here nor there.

So I spent some time reading through some of the old posts (the newer-old ones, aka the most recent ones), and myyy, I had a lot of opinions. I mean, I have a lot of opinions on this blog, but they are mostly about books or films or stuff that only affects me personally. But while I was still a student of English, I had some very strong opinions about teachers, the content of courses, the running of the whole thing, the university, the educational budget, and what not. This may not come as a surprise, since I actually was vice-president of the programme committee, but still. Case in point is the letter that I sent in to (and was printed in) a newspaper about a community college in the Netherlands that had to withdraw a lot of diplomas because their courses and examination weren't up to scratch. I put the letter on my blog, and it generated a lot of comment (also on Facebook), including a contribution from one of the high-ranking people in the college who accused me of 'listening only to the media'. I never okayed that one to go online, because I felt it was kind awkward, but it does show how opinionated I was. While at that time, I probably thought I was being very mellow and polite and grown-up. Which is also what I'm thinking about the stuff that I write now, so in five year's time I'll have another cringe moment as I read back the stuff I write now.

Some other interesting stuff, the tags I used are mostly similar to the ones here; creative, cats, literature, postcrossing, random, rant (mostly about my housemates), writings (schrijfsels, in Dutch, I love that word), study, language, garden, home, free time, work. Guess I haven't changed that much.
But the really ironic one was part of this post from 2011, in which I outline our my sort-of new year's resolutions. The list is as follows (translation below):

- Fons en ik vinden een leuk huisje met meer ruimte en minder irritante buren
- Ik haal mijn BA Engels en begin aan mijn MA Engels
- Fons haalt zijn MSc en vindt een leuke baan
- Ik schrijf daadwerkelijk iets waarvan ik vind dat anderen het ook mogen lezen
- We vervolgen onze reis in wat ambitieuzer en creatiever koken
- We hebben meer tijd voor gezelligheid en een sociaal leven en minder gestress en drukte

- Fons and I find a nice little home with more space and less annoying neighbours
- I will get my BA English and start my MA English
- Fons will get his MSc and find a nice job
- I actually write something that I think others may also read
- We continue our journey into cooking more ambitiously and creatively
- We have more time for a nice social life and less stress and hectics (some words are just untranslatable)

Soooo. How many of those do we recognise for this year? I'd say at least 4. Although we do live in a lot bigger house, we still have annoying neighbours, and are looking for a new place to live. I still haven't written something that I think other people should read (doesn't mean I don't let anybody read my stuff, but it's still reluctantly). We're now using the HelloFresh food box to cook more adventurously, but it's not really what we'd like, because (point 4) we're still too busy to make the proper time for a social life and cooking and all those other things we want to do. So apart from both graduating and finding jobs, things actually haven't changed that much.

One thing I do miss; while I wrote my old blog, I was still learning loads of new stuff every day, and I wrote about that a lot. It may be the hereditary teacher hiding somewhere deep inside me, but when I found out about some new cool literary or other thing, I immediately felt the need to share it with the whole world. Also, a looot of poetry. I never knew I read and commented on that much poetry. Also, lots of links to other people's blogs and stories, when I still had the time to read those. I miss that. I will try to do more of that here.

So, after all that meta-talk, you must be pretty curious about the blog itself. Small catch: it's in Dutch. Surprisingly good Dutch, if I may say so myself; reading things back I never expected to actually write well in my mother language (no idea why, incidentally), but some of the posts are actually quite good. Yes, I'm as surprised as you are.
Because reading the blog isn't of any interest to those who can't read Dutch, I'll switch languages now, and I'll see the rest of you in another post.

Dusss, de link. Bij deze: Mocht je weinig tijd hebben, maar wel iets vermakelijks willen lezen, dan misschien iets lichts als 'Waar ken je die man toch van...?' een fijne frustratie-post als 'Een frisse start', of het diep-ironische 'Carriere maken', waarin ik me druk maak over allerhande studiegenoten die ineens carriere willen maken, terwijl ik zelf uiteindelijk al een fancy baan had voordat ik uberhaupt afgestudeerd was. Of al die andere leuke mijlpalen in mijn leven, zoals toen ik Darwin en Vrutsel uit het asiel haalde (Vrutsel ligt op m'n schoot te spinnen), of toen ik besloot om te stoppen met biologie en het roer om te gooien, en alles helemaal anders werd. Misschien vooral leuk en nostalgisch voor mezelf en zij die erbij waren, maar ik wil het jullie natuurlijk niet onthouden. Ik ben echt oud geworden, ik word er nostalgisch van...

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