Thursday, 2 January 2014

New Year's resolutions

I'm not really someone for New Year's resolutions (or 'good resolutions', as we call them in Dutch - as opposed to the bad resolutions you can have all year round); I try to improve on things I'm not really happy about whenever I get the chance. I haven't heard many amongst my friends and colleagues so far either, except for 'eat less and exercise more', but that to me seems no more than logical after a week of almost continuous eating and hardly any movement.
So they're not really for me - or so I thought! Today someone viewed the first post I ever wrote on this blog, which pops up on my 'stats' panel, and that post was written on the 10th of January 2012. And then somehow I came to check the date I joined Postcrossing, a neat 1089 days ago, and that was on the 9th of January 2011. Two rather big things in my life, which I apparently started in January.
I can remember lurking around the Postcrossing website and fora for a while before deciding to join, so that really wasn't a spur-of-the moment thing, it was a conscious decision. Same goes for starting this blog: I'd been wanting to finish my old blog (which is now just attracting lots and lots of spam) for a while, and starting afresh, but somehow couldn't do it until January arrived.
So maybe there is something to New Year's resolutions, even if they're not consciously connected to the whole phenomenon: January seems to get people in motion. And I can say for Postcrossing and blogging, that even though I can't spend half as much time on them as I would like, they were pretty good unconscious New Year's resolutions.
Happy and healthy 2014 everyone!

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