Friday, 18 October 2013

NaNoWriMo 2013

NaNoWriMo time is almost upon us again. I've been receiving lots of emails from the Office of Letters and Light already, several from 'my novel' asking to be written, and one from 'the future' in which I have already written my novel.
There must be a parallel universe out there somewhere, because in this one, I will not be writing a novel in November. They mention the 'ideas at the back of your head' and the 'storylines and characters you work out before you fall asleep at night', and this is all very true, but they will also have to stay inside that head for a little while longer.
I am simply too busy. Not only physically too busy, in that I don't have the time to sit down behind a computer and write for an hour to get the 1667 words you need each day, but also mentally too busy. And it is true that I will be taking a week holiday in November, but that will be to relax and free my mind from stuff, not to add more stuff to it.
So apologies to 'my novel'  and 'my future self', but the answer is no.

However, if you, dear reader, do have the time and space, I can only recommend participating in NaNoWriMo. I've done so for several years, I've also won several years, but I can tell you that even without winning it is a great experience. Apart from finally letting go of all those stupid controlling mechanisms and just writing that novel, you get to meet lots of great and interesting people during the parties and writing events. Plus, they have nice goodies. Two weeks is more than enough time to prepare (I once decided that I was going to join on the 30th of October), and even if you can't make it, they have several 'Camp NaNoWriMo'  sessions throughout the year.
Give it a go!

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