Friday, 16 March 2018

Camp NaNoWriMo

November has traditionally been NaNoWriMo month. Writing 50,000 words in a crazy frenzy without looking back, together with thousands of others from around the world. However, November is usually not a great novelling month for me. November is usually not that great of a month for me, period.
Luckily, the great people at NaNoWriMo also offer 'camp NaNoWriMo', which takes place in April. April is a good month. In April, you can actually see the sun for more than three hours a day, and there are birds and flowers and lambs all kinds of happy things. If you're going to sit down and write for 2-3 hours every day, you need happy things around you to keep you going.
So, I just signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo. Didn't think that would happen, but it did.
The great thing about Camp is that the rules are a little less strict (in the NaNo universe); you can write whatever you want, be it a novel, short story, film script, non-fiction, poetry, revision of something you've already written or 'other'. I'm not sure what the 'other' could be, but I'll be happy to look into that during one of my procrastination moments in April. Also, you can set your own goal. In November it's always 50,000 words, but here you can set anything from 30 to 999,999. And that number can be words, but also lines, hours spent, or pages. So one can feel done and accomplished after writing 30 lines of poetry, or one can attempt 999,999 words (999,999 hours is sadly not possible in the timeframe, as that would equal 114 years).
I have now set my goal to 'novel'  and '20,000 words'. I'm not really sure what I will be writing; my successful 2015 novel still needs its second part, but maybe I'll go for something completely different. Writing starts the first of April (Easter Sunday, great timing) so I still have plenty of time to come up with a plan. And if past experience tells me anything, I will probably change my mind 10 times on the 31th of March alone.
The main thing is that I signed up. I will be doing this, and we'll see how far I get!

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