Thursday, 17 November 2016

NaNo Days 14, 15, 16 & 17: Vive la France

So I am writing this from the little cottage that we rented in France, in Normandy to be precise, in the little village of Bazenville, which consists of about twenty houses and two hundred sheep. At the moment, there is a bit of a storm going on outside, but we're nice and snug inside, warm and cosy, with the wind howling outside. It feels somewhat Christmassy, even though the temperatures here are quite a bit higher than at home, and the trees still have a lot more leaves than what we're used to by now.
In this little cottage, I finally got ahead of par. Or rather: my story finally gripped me. I think the main help in this was actually finding time to read, and the book I'm reading (The Buried Giant by Ishiguru) inspired me to look at my fantasy world in a whole new light, and add some extra characters and plotlines that I never would have thought of on my own. It's not that I'm copying his story, not by a long shot, it's rather that I'm absorbing it's atmosphere, and trying to convey that to my own story.
Which is working pretty well; for the last four days, I've written 2,000 words each day. That means I've been writing about 350 words extra on top of the daily 'required' amount, and I am now almost at the word count I should be at tomorrow (30,000). Which is nice, as tomorrow we will be travelling home, so I don't have that much time to write. And otherwise it is nice too, because it shows that my story is finally picking up speed.
Let's hope I manage to keep on track when I'm back in our own cold, rainy, grey country!

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