When I posted my Literary Splendour post, the page view count was at 9,990. When I looked this morning, it was at 10,030! A blogging milestone!
Youtube or Facebook probably get about 10,000 page views a second, so it's nothing big in Internet terms, but it feels like a (unconscious, to be honest) personal goal has been reached.
To give you some interesting details: most views are from the Netherlands, but there are quite a lot from the US and the UK, and lots of single views from countries around the world. Most traffic comes in via google (google.co.uk, google.co.nz and google.ie being the highest contributors, funnily enough), but some comes in via Postcrossing and some people have taken the trouble to memorise the URL and type that in directly.
The most popular post by far is still Painting with clingfilm, to which I've never actually given a follow-up post because I haven't actually been painting with clingfilm for about two years.
So there we are. 10,032 page views and counting. Onwards and upwards to the next 10,000.
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