So my Postcrossing has been a bit on-off for the past few months, with me only sending out cards one or two days a week, 3-5 at most, and as a result I haven't really received many cards either. There were some spectacular ones, including my first postcard from New Zealand and a nice card from India, but on the whole, it's been a bit quiet.
But one strange thing I have been noticing that most of my cards from Germany (incidentally also the country most of my cards have been coming from) were written in German. Now this is no problem, I can read German perfectly and write an adequate response in return, but it's very typical that all of a sudden all German people are only writing in their own language. Is this a new trend? Have I missed something about going back to basics? Is this a new form of national pride springing up?
Probably it's just a coincidence, with several of the senders being between 8 and 14, and therefore probably unable to write in English. Also, yesterday I received another card from Germany in perfect English, although the text on the front was a German joke (which sounds like a contradiction in terms).
Also, I've received a card from Belgium that was written in English, Dutch, German and French, which was nice. Nicer at least than the people from Asian countries who include characters in their postcard that I simply can't read, or the Finnish girl that made a joke about calling her cat 'Humpuuki', which I thought was just a funny name but turns out to mean 'fake'. If I cannot understand what you're saying without opening Google Translate, it kinda takes away from the message.
So I'll take the German ones any day, at least those I can read.
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