Friday 23 August 2013

September in the air

Joe Fox: Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.

Famous lines from a famous film (You've got Mail, in case you were wondering, which is still the only proper film Tom Hanks ever made, maybe apart from Forrest Gump).

Strangely enough, the atmosphere it conveys, of autumn and falling leaves, of crisper air and new beginnings, that atmosphere has been hanging around for the last week. Somehow, it's September weather in the middle of August. The nights are getting properly cold again, the air smells wet and faintly rotting, and somehow all around people are talking about new beginnings, about changing things in their lives, about doing things differently.
Now autumn is still my favourite season of the year, so I'm not complaining, but it is a bit worrisome that somehow this years summer only lasted about 3 weeks. We had cold and snow until well into May, then we had cold and wet, then we had some heat, and now we're down into cold and wet again.
Also, I am still feeling faintly worried about not having re-applied to university, as this is the first time in 9 years I won't actually re-enroll, because I've graduated, but the nagging feeling of I-still-have-to-do-something-really-important-but-I-can't-remember-what-it-is is still lingering.
About the new beginnings: several colleagues are planning on eating less sweets, exercising more, etc, with the really ambitious planning to work less the coming year (by 'less' I don't mean 'less than they're supposed to work' but rather 'less outrageous overtime'). I like this atmosphere of new chances, it is always more energized and hopeful in September than in January, when the obligatory New Year's resolutions come around. We all know it's not going to happen, but the motivation and energy it brings is helpful to us all.

But still, I wouldn't mind a couple of days (maybe a weekend?) of nice, sunny, warm summer weather!

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