So today I needed to do something completely different (without pulling any of John Cleese's faces). My dissertation-writing motivation has come to a grinding halt and I didn't feel up to any painting or re-discovering my knitting abilities.
So I made some felt Christmas ornaments.
I got the idea for these while browsing the IKEA Christmas page (they have some really really nice glass ornaments with spirals which I am definitely getting if we can fit a big tree somewhere), when I saw these cute felt Christmas trees. Nice! I thought. I can make those myself! I thought.
So I did.
And then, because just one ornament isn't enough, I made a star (which looks more like a flower, but hey):
I'd like to have made one of the bell shaped ones as well, but I only had white thread and I'd like the thread to contrast with the felt, so that will be for later (I'll probably stitch that one over the side, rather than following the contours, just to see how it looks). And more stars and trees, of course, the hypothetical future tree will be well-filled.
Please do note that I managed to get the ribbon on lopsided on both of them, even with fastening it to the felt before stitching it shut. I never said I was good at sewing, I'm just a time-for-something-different-and-relaxing sewer!
Like! They're really nice, I'd like to see 'm in "real life", haha