Yesterday we drove to the zoo in my hometown and there were stretches of road that were completely orange or red or yellow, or a beautiful combination of them all. When we were in the US I was dying to see some famous "fall foliage" and I'm really sad that we missed it, but now that I see the stuff around here I'm wondering if it was always this good and I have just been missing what was right in front of me all those years? Surely, the world was never this pretty and warm-coloured and showering leafs down by the bucket load?
Sadly, they're usually gone within the week. Also, because of some weird warm weather we've been having lately, some trees are still enthusiastically and brightly green, while others are completely bare already. Again, not sure if this happens every year, but it struck me.
It's one of those things where I go "ooh, that's pretty" and then not take a photograph or make myself look better, thinking that it will still be there the next time I'm around, but it never is, and I always feel sad about missing it, or not really seeing it. But that's how it goes, I guess, even though most people now do take pictures and put everything on Facebook for the whole world to see and remember, I'm sure many young parents today will still go "they grow up so fast! It feels like they were still babies yesterday!" when their kids go off to live on their own.
And in a way it's good you can't remember everything, or your head would explode.
Anyway, even though I haven't been taking pictures myself, I've been asking for autumn colours on Postcrossing, and I got some especially nice ones that I can't help but share with you. They're from around the world, although of course pretty much restricted to the northern hemisphere (one of the reasons I'd never move to Australia, I don't think I'd be able to survive without a proper autumn).
US-1895607 received 9 October 2012 |
FI-1562808 received 15 October 2012 |
JP-319569 received 15 October 2012 |
FI-1552323 received 4 October 2012 |
ReplyDeleteEen berichtje in het NLs even, al denk ik tegenwoordig in het Engels na ;). Grappig dat je net hier iets over schrijft, ik zat deze week op mijn fietsje precies over dezelfde dingen na te denken! Lund was prachtig rood, oranje, geel. Denk dat als ik nu terug kom daar weinig meer van over is, maar het is idd ontzettend sfeervol, hoe kort het ook maar mag duren! Denk dat jij de bieb ook prachtig had gevonden, ontzettend statig gebouw, compleet rood gekleurd door de wilde wingerd. Kwam ook sterk in verleiding om nu maar een hike te regelen in dat nationale park waar we een tijdje geleden zijn geweest, moet nu echt prachtig zijn, net als op jouw bovenste kaartje. En soms is het mooi om er gewoon even bij stil te staan hoe mooi en vergankelijk iets is, zonder dat meteen vast te moeten leggen. En nu maar de kille winter weer trotseren, kale bomen.. Lekker veel thee drinken en gezelligheid creƫren en dan weer blij zijn als we de vogeltjes eindelijk weer horen ;)Maar eerst volgende week gezellig vieren dat je weer een jaartje ouder bent geworden!! Zin in uitgebreid bijkletsen!! Liefs, Josien