The smell is in the air again. I can't really describe it, but once I smell it, I know that it is August, probably mid leaning towards the end, and that A New Year is Coming.
That is to say, a new school year. This smell sets off feelings of both excitement and anticipation (a new school year! A new class! What will I do, learn, see?) and sadness (but summer is over! Where did all those weeks gooooo?) in my head. Usually, this is the period that I'm fully relaxed, have read everything I wanted to read, have done everything wanted to do, and am fully charged for a new year of activities. When in university, I'd be busy buying or ordering my books, checking out timetables, arranging my new work schedule, etc. Overall, this is a good time, a relaxed, happy time.
Not this year.
This year, I worked through the summer, initially doing various small jobs which then had larger things tacked onto them until they became quite big jobs. Then there was the preparation for my MA dissertation (which is still not finished), the administrative business for my internship next year (which is not even half-way) and all the prep for our big trip to the US in 2 weeks time. I don't feel relaxed, I don't feel like I've done any of the things I wanted to do or read any of the books I wanted to read, I'm not happily preparing for a new year as I still don't have a clue what or where or how that new year will be spend, and overall, I'm in a state of skin-deep panic rather than a nice tinge of anxiety.
This is probably over-reacting, but that is what a big trip to an unknown country (country? continent!) followed by an internship at a big fancy publishing company combined with an MA dissertation will do to you.
It's not like I haven't done anything this summer: we went on several day trips and spend a weekend away, and we generally had a very nice time with friends. But overall, it's been the same as most normal weeks of the year: boyfriend leaves the house to work for 8 hours, I stay in the house to work for 8 hours, and in the evenings we're tiredly trying to make sense of Tripadvisor or the Lonely Planet or government websites or Ticketmaster (this last thing we don't usually do, of course). We still have quite a large to-do list and I still don't feel like I know anything about the places we're going. We will take a sailing trip next weekend, which is also slightly freaking me out as I feel like I'm 'wasting away' those last precious free hours we have (which is nonsense, and it's probably very healthy to take a bit of a break away from home right now, to clear my head). Again, all of this is probably strictly speaking neither true nor fair, but as I said, panic mode is starting to set in.
So let's hope I'll get back from the US fully relaxed and re-charged. And let's hope that smell, flowers mixed with dried grass mixed with all kinds of herbs mixed with anticipation, is still in the air, so I can have a bit of a do-over for the End of the Summer.
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