Friday, 17 August 2012

Administrative blaaaaaa

I realise that administration, paperwork, and contracts are what makes this world go round. I also realise that it is what keeps all of us from throwing ourselves into things without knowing for sure what they will bring us or what we can expect from others. I know there have to be rules and regulations, but surely, not this many?
The first thing I'm kinda getting fed up on: contracts. I've signed a contract with the company I will do an internship for, which I think is logical, as they will be providing me with lots of information and a workspace and what not, and they'd like to see me commit to actually giving them something in return. Conversely, I still have to write up and have signed (by 4 different people) the contact between me, the university, my university supervisor and my company supervisor saying that we will all help me get the internship done and that the uni will then give me credit (the final 10 ECTs). It's a lot of work, because it requires all kinds of specific wording and many many things which I don't know yet, so I'm spending a lot of time thinking about this stupid piece of paper, which should not be the main thing on my mind right now. Finally, I still have to write up a contract with my dissertation supervisor. That's right, it has gotten this far; because students can't trust their supervisors (to help them properly) and the university doesn't trust students (to finish on time, which is actually resonable), we have to sign a piece of paper saying that we both commit to me finishing the 15,000 words on time and her helping me do that.
I mean, where is the trust? I can see how the uni and the internship company have to protect themselves from me not doing anything (while they either pay me or give me credit) or how I have to protect myself from them not providing the things I need, but seriously, my dissertation supervisor? With whom I chat about my US travels, grading papers, the new Jane Austen film, and what-not? Sigh...
Then there is the paperwork that comes with either travelling or moving to another country (I have no experience with the latter, but yesterday I spend the afternoon helping a friend who will move to Sweden on Tuesday, and boy, does it involve a looooot of paperwork). Sticking to our US trip, we have insurance, pre-booked tickets (there is literally only 1 venue that offers will-call, for the rest we have to print them out and carry them around for 2 weeks), international driver's licences, booking confirmations... the list is endless. I am starting to realise why people take these all-in vacations where you don't have to do anything yourself (including thinking), although I'd really hate to do one of those, so plodding on here.
Moral of the story; anyone who tells you that paper is dead and everything will become digital soon, they're either lying or don't get out much. Paper is what this world runs on. It is also what my desk is filled with, and what makes it impossible for me to do the things I should be doing, as there's other stuff to fill in or sign or print out first.
The only good thing is that I know that once the trip is done (and we've actually used all those bits of paper), the internship is on it's way, and the dissertation is going smoothly, I'll be happy I've done all this administrative prep. Something to look forward to!

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