Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Hearts and Stripes

As announced, I have knitted another mobile-phone cover, and this time it was a blue one with a purple heart. I did some measuring and tinkering with the instructions, and arrived at exactly the right measurements for my phone (a HTC Desire Z, in case anyone is interested). Which was good. Unfortunately, due to my new design some small holes appeared in the thing, exactly at the point where it was the narrowest, and every time I put my phone inside it snagged and the small holes became bigger holes. This must be the reason they suggested you line it with another fabric. Hmmm.
It did not work.
So I decided to make a Third and Ultimate phone-cover-pouch-thing, this time dispensing with any hearts or girlyness, but just making a nice stripey one. I prefer stripes anyway, and there was no chance of pulling any holes in this one. So here we are then...
Three little phone-cover piglets.
You can see how big the first one is by comparison, that would really never have worked with my phone. You can also see how much the second heart is still pulling in the middle, and how the third one has loose ends all over the place. Ah well, I didn't even sew one side together properly, but who cares, it's something I'm going to use, not something I (or anyone else) will put up on a pedestal to admire.

Anyway, in case anyone is interested in how I made the last one; cast on 15 stitches, then alternately knit and purl until you have 76 rows. If you want the stripy thing I did, change colour every 4 rows. Then you knit the first and last stitch of every knit-row together until you are left with 9 stitches (still purling another row after every knit row). End by casting off and sewing the sides together (with more patience than I did). Done!
I dispensed with ironing or pressing this time, because the curly sides go on the inside anyway, and although it makes sewing them together a bit more of a challenge, it is more of a hassle to get your ironing board out than to pay a little attention to what you're doing, I think. And then my final discovery of the day; after doing 3 of these, you get kinda fed up with them!

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