Friday, 15 November 2019

NaNo Days 10 to 15: holiday sprint

So being on holiday gave me ample chance to write lots of words. Most days, those words actually came to me and it was easy to reach 2,000, but I've had some days where I had to search for topics as well. I'm now in that 'middle bit'; all the characters have been introduced, they have gathered, their backgrounds are known, and now Stuff Needs to Happen. But at the same time I'm also working towards the end, because if there is one thing frustrating about NaNo it is finishing the writing but not the story. Because then I know the story will never be finished, and will always be lacking an ending. Or a middle, in some years I've written the ending of the story but not the middle.
Today is the 15th of November, which means I should be at 25,000 words, as the month is halfway through. As we speak, I am at 28,130 words, putting me two days ahead of par. I'd hoped for a bit more headway, as I have a pretty busy work week waiting for me when I get home, but this will have to do. At least I'm not behind. And at least I'm still liking my characters, my plot, and my writing, even if it is difficult to get and keep going sometimes. Let's hope I'll keep up the writing when I'm back home!

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