Monday 23 February 2015

52 books challenge - start

In December, several of my old study mates posted how many books they'd read in 2014. Most of them apparently had set some sort of goal for themselves, which usually lay somewhere between 100 and 150. One extreme outlier wanted to read 300 books, but 'only' got to about 260.
Imagine reading 260 books in a year! That's almost 1 a day! I've had to implement some contemporary-classics shift to accommodate all the books I want to read, but with 260 books you wouldn't need any of that, you could just read everything and anything you wanted.
Now 300 or even 100 books in a year is never going to happen with my job and otherwise quite busy life, but I also decided to set some sort of goal for myself, because I do want to read more (I want to do lots of things more, like playing the piano and Postcrossing and writing, but reading is one of those things you can do in otherwise unused moments, such as on a train with a crappy wifi connection, which makes it easier to fit in).
So I set myself the goal of 52 books, or 1 book a week. This, I felt, was pretty reasonable, surely I would manage to read one book a week. I've called this my '52 book challenge', because it does feel like a challenge some times. I've been going at it for 8 weeks (today is the first day of week 9) and I feel like I've been doing pretty well.

Let's see what I've read so far this year (not counting Crime & Punishment, which I finished this year but didn't start):
1 The Children Act - Ian McEwan
2 My Brief History - Stephen Hawking
3 All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
4 Number9dream - David Mitchell
5 The Lost World - Michael Crichton
6 The Rosie Effect - Graeme Simsion

Okay, so maybe the contemporary-classic system is not working as flawlessly as I would have liked. And also, I am 2 books behind. But really, that's nothing, in a good holiday week I can read 6 or 7 books in total, so I will make up for that at some point. Also, I have some nice thin books stacked up which will take me about a day to finish and will quickly get me back on schedule. For now, the biggest challenge is deciding what I'm going to read next, as I finished The Rosie Effect this morning and have several contenders for my next read.
I will try to keep you updated on my reading progress, success and/or failure, and if you have any recommendations as to what I should definitely read this year, tell me!

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