Friday, 18 May 2012


So I've been wearing my glasses more often lately, because I've been spending long stretches of time behind a computer screen and your eyes get kinda dry and itchy after a while, and it's nice to just be able to scratch. Also, hay fever. Also, I got some new glasses in February, so I now have some that I would actually wear in public, as opposed to my small, dirty, old ones (which I've had since I was 12).
So I have been wearing them out in public, and I've noticed that people react differently to me when I do. When I wear them, men tend to treat me as if I need help, as if I can't figure things out, or as if I need them to be sweet and kind to me. I get a lot more smiles when I cycle or walk through the city, and some will actually greet me, even though they don't know me. They will come up to me in shops asking whether I need help, offer me an extra bag, let me go in front instead of cutting me off... it's amazing. It may be because I look about 10 years younger when I wear glasses (which would put me at 16, not too bad), or maybe because I look like a big-eyed helpless girl. The effect is more pronounced when I wear a skirt, by the way, so maybe it does generate some sort of "damsel in distress" signal that men respond to.
Women, on the other hand, give me the cold shoulder. They give me a "look at her, trying to look smarter than she is"-look, and then deliberately cut you off or ignore you. Again, more pronounced when you're wearing a skirt, as if you're trying to impersonate some sort of "feminine power woman". This does not go for women of about 50 and above, who will act the same as men, but most women under that age do suddenly turn up their noses at you. Which is interesting, because I have a classmate who sometimes wears glasses and sometimes doesn't, and when she does bring them I catch myself thinking "tsss, trying to look more intelligent are we?"
Why do women do this? Why do we always push each other down when it comes to looks? It's the men who should be fighting for us, not the other way around (biologically speaking, don't go calling me an anti-feminist now). I've heard from several people that my glasses actually do look good on me, but if I'd go by the response I get from women in the street, I'd throw them in the bottom drawer and then run a car over it.
So anyway, just something I noticed and wanted to share, if you have any thoughts on how and why and so forth please share them, because I'm still undecided whether I should or should not wear my glasses in public.

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